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Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027

The Strategic Plan outlines our aims for the next three years, setting out what we hope to achieve in order to safeguard adults with care and support needs in Bury.

Our main focus is to ensure that safeguarding arrangements in Bury work effectively so that adults at risk are able to live their lives free from abuse or neglect. The Board ensures that, locally, abuse is prevented and that, when it does occur, partners respond in line with the needs and wishes of the person experiencing harm.

A key role of the Board is to ensure that there is a partnership approach to delivering safeguarding services by promoting collaboration between all the partners for effective communication, information sharing and awareness raising.


The work of Bury Safeguarding Adults Board is underpinned by the six safeguarding principles as defined in the Care Act (2014):

  • Empowerment – Residents will be supported and encouraged to make their own decisions through informed consent.
  • Prevention – In Bury we believe it is better to take action before harm occurs.
  • Proportionality – To safeguard the residents of Bury we will take the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk.
  • Protection – We will support and ensure representation for those in greatest need in Bury.
  • Partnership – Solutions will come from agencies and residents working together across Bury, all having a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
  • Accountability – The work of the Board will be transparent and accountable to the residents of Bury.

You can read Bury Safeguarding Adults Board Strategic Plan below.