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Key messages from the November meeting of the Bury Safeguarding Adults Board

Policy updates

The Safeguarding Adults Board agreed policy updates on:

  • Modern Slavery
  • Radicalisation and Extremism
  • Forced Marriage

New policies and guidance were agreed:

  • Mental Health Act Assessments and Mental Health Assessments
  • Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
  • Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) procedure.

These will be published on our website over the next week.

Please register with our policy website so that you can be kept up to date with the latest news and policies.


Annual Report

Safeguarding Adults Boards have a statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 to publish an Annual Report. This summarises how the Board and its partner agencies have worked together to safeguard and promote the welfare of the adults in its area, and to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of multi-agency safeguarding practice.

You can view the SAB’s Annual Report 2023-2024 here.


Voice of the Adult / Making Safeguarding Personal

The Board, as part of its role in quality assuring local safeguarding arrangements, discussed ways in how to better understand how effectively and consistently the voices of adults with care and support needs are captured during their contact with safeguarding partners.

The Multi Agency Working Group will be taking forward some work on this. If any partners would like to share their ideas and any best practice within your organisation please contact


Book a Place on our Adults Multi Agency Safeguarding Training

We have a number of multi-agency safeguarding events in November and December.

Please view our training calendar

A 'Register with Us' facility is now available on the SAB procedures website.

You can add your email address to be notified when new or updated policies or procedures are added.

Register for SAB policy updates