Our training is for practitioners working in Bury. If you work in another locality, please check the training offer via the safeguarding partnership / board in the area that you work in.
Please click on the training calendars below to find out more information regarding training. Our training offer comprises a combination of face to face and virtual training.
As we are continuing to update our training offer, we would encourage professionals to refrain from saving the calendars, and continue to check back for updates.
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pdf file
Our training is for practitioners working in Bury. If you work in another locality, please check the training offer via the safeguarding partnership / board in the area that you work in.
To apply for one of our courses, please click on the training calendar and follow the links provided to book on a course. Please note, most events are password protected, and therefore you will need a password. If you are a member of the BSP, you should have received the passwords. If not, please contact the business unit: BSP@bury.gov.uk.
You will need to provide details of your organisation, role, and confirmation of your managers approval, and their email address. This enables us to verify who you are.
If the course is virtual, there is no requirement for you to book, however you will need to contact the business unit for access to the link: BSP@bury.gov.uk
When applying for any of the training events please ensure you provide the correct contact details, including email address, so that we can confirm your place. Please ensure you provide your work email address in the first instance.
We understand that at times agencies may need to cancel places reserved on training courses due to a number of different reasons, however we do expect that applicants observe the following procedures:
Prior to cancellations / withdrawals agencies should seek to send a colleague in their absence.
All cancellations / withdrawals from training courses should be made at least 2 working days in advance of the courses
- An email is sent to explain the reasons for your cancellation / withdrawal as oppose to simply declining the invite to the event.
You can cancel your place by cancelling your ticket via Eventbrite, alternatively if the event is advertised via MS forms, please contact us at BSP@bury.gov.uk
You should then receive an email confirming that you are cancelled from your selected course.
We are currently in the process of updating our training strategy, this will be available in due course.
After attendance at one of our training courses, there will be an opportunity for you to provide an evaluation form. We will always ensure that there is a sufficient time available for you to do this after each course, so that we can continue to improve. The evaluation form considers:
- relevance, currency and accuracy of course content;
- quality of training delivery;
- impact on your practice;
- how you will share what you have learnt within your own organisation;
We are in the process of developing a longer term impact and evaluation of training to consider impact on children, young people, adults, carers and service users . This will be undertaken by way of a brief survey sent to all delegates six months after their attendance on a BSCP / BSAB course. In signing up to attend one of our courses, professionals are also signing up to support us in measuring impact.
Please find a wide range of free or low cost e-learning below, designed to support work to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults.
On completion of a course, practitioners should notify their agency training representative to ensure that e-learning is captured on their training record.
Professionals working with Children
- Think U Know? - #LiveSkills - resources for Children concerning 'Live Streaming' from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command, National Crime Agency
- YouTube - Adverse childhood experiences
- NICE - Children and young people adopted from care guidance
- NSPCC elearning: online courses | NSPCC Learning
- Future Learn - Caring for vulnerable children
- Courses - HSQE
- Open Education - Child psychology: An Introduction
- Open Education - Children and young people's participation
- Open Education - Cyber security: An introduction course
- FGM E-Learning
- Greater Manchester Safeguarding Procedures - Contents - includes information and guidance on a range of safeguarding issues
- Future Learn - Improving the health of women, children and adolescents
- Learning.NSPCC - Keeping children safe online course - subject to £35 registration charge
- Open Education - Learning to teach: Becoming a reflective practitioner
- eLearning Prevent - An introduction e-learning
- Support people vulnerable to radicalisation - Service
- Disability Matters - Safeguarding disabled children and young people e-learning
- MindEd - Self-harm and risky behaviour: - Children and young people's mental health
- SCIE - Strengths based approaches videos
- Online Learning Courses & Training UK | Virtual College (virtual-college.co.uk)
- Virtual college - Animal welfare courses - when animals are abused, people are at risk
- Content IRISS - Understanding attachment theory e-learning
Professionals working with vulnerable adults
- Virtual college - Awareness of forced marriage
- Brook Learn - includes courses about Consent, Sexual Behaviours and Child Sexual Exploitation
- Open Education - Cyber security: An introduction course
- SCIE - Dementia awareness
- Disability Matters - Basics
- Gov.uk - Domestic homicide review (DHR): Guidance for professionals
- FGM E-Learning
- Greater Manchester Safeguarding Procedures - Contents - includes information and guidance on a range of safeguarding issues
- Future Learn - Improving the health of women, children and adolescents
- Open Education - Learning to teach: Becoming a reflective practitioner
- Future Learn - Logical and critical thinking
- Future Learn - Medicine and the arts: Humanising healthcare
- SCIE - Parental substance misuse
- eLearning Prevent - An introduction e-learning
- Support people vulnerable to radicalisation - Service
- eLearning for healthcare - Safeguarding adults e-learning for health professionals
- SCIE - Safeguarding adults
- SCIE - Strengths based approaches videos
- ECPAT - Training - subject to £30 charge
- Virtual college - Animal welfare courses - when animals are abused, people are at risk
- Content IRISS - Understanding attachment theory e-learning
- Future Learn - Understanding drugs and addiction
- Open Education - Working in the voluntary sector
- IFAS - Institute for Addressing Strangulation events archive
Please note: Bury Safeguarding Partnership is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Please click here to view learning from local reviews.
Please click here to view Safeguarding Adult Reviews