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Multi-Agency Safeguarding Training Courses

Bury Safeguarding Partnership and Bury Safeguarding Adult Board are responsible for agreeing how organisations in the borough will work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, families and adults.

Working Together 2023 sets out a responsibility for Safeguarding Partners to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of training to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

The Care Act 2014 states that Safeguarding Adults Boards must promote multi-agency training and consider any specialist training that may be required, and consider any scope to jointly commission training with other partnerships.

Here in Bury, we will be providing multi-agency training directly, bringing professionals together to develop knowledge and skills and emphasise the benefits of working together to deliver positive outcomes for children, and adults.

We are continuing to develop new sessions and materials so please keep checking back to these pages.

Our training strategy will set out how the Board/Partnership will fulfill these responsibilities, and this will be available in due course.