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CONTEST (UK Counter-terrorism strategy)

Aims to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from international terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. The strategy consists of four areas:

  • Pursue - to stop terrorist attacks
  • Protect - to strengthen protection against terrorist attacks
  • Prepare - where an attack cannot be stopped, to mitigate its impact
  • Prevent- to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting extremism leading to terrorism


Safeguards vulnerable individuals from involvement in violent extremism by challenging the ideologies used by extremists (for example, extreme right wing, ISIS or Boko Haram).

Works across sectors (for example, education, health) where there are concerns about radicalisation.

The Prevent Duty

Introduced by the Counter- Terrorism and Security Act 2015.

Requires specified authorities "in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism".

Local authorities, schools and childcare providers are among the specified authorities.

Delivering the Duty includes: working in partnership; risk assessment; staff training and preventing misuse of public resources by extremists for example, use of venues, protocols around use of IT.

Making a referral

If you have concerns about an individual you can make a referral into Prevent.

To do this, please visit - Prevent where you will be able to make an online referral.

All staff are able to access the Counter Terrorist Police North West (CTPNW) Team if they want advise on a specific case to determine whether the thresholds are met for a referral.

CTPNW Triage: 0161 856 6362 /


Some referrals may progress onto the Bury Multi-Agency Channel Panel for support.

Channel is a consent-based safeguarding process for children, young people and adults at risk of being drawn into terrorism or extremism leading to terrorism.

Channel is pre-criminal, meaning anyone who is referred into Channel will not be assigned a criminal record strictly on the basis of them being referred.

Support is tailored by the Channel Panel to ensure individuals receive the support they require.

Myth busting

  • Prevent deals with all forms of extremism. It is not about preventing peaceful protest or discouraging debate
  • Channel is about safeguarding. It is led by the Council, not the police. It aims to prevent people committing criminal offences and referrals do not result in a criminal record.

Terrorism risk

The threat to British Interests in the UK from International terrorism is substantial which means an attack is likely. This judgement is dynamic and so threat levels increase and decrease in regards to available intelligence, terrorist intentions and possible timescales.

It is hoped that by engaging with vulnerable individuals and referring those at risk of being radicalised into Prevent that overall risk of terrorist activity can be reduced.